About TwoWheelJunction, changes and other notes...

As the long time readers here probably recall, Two Wheel Junction started life as my little project to consolidate motorcycle news.  I would still like it otto be that, but it had a couple of problems from the get go.  One was that as both editor and code monkey, my time was often split between the two details.   It did not help that I chose to implement it in a language and toolset that was new to me, and I was doing all of this in a fairly small window of time since it was not just a side project, it was one of three side projects.  In hindsight, I see that the vision as it was, was never going to be fulfilled.

Over the last couple of years, I have come back to the original site idea a couple of times, and I while I really want to make it happen, time and the platform I originally created it in have created hurdles that I just haven't been willing to overcome.  Oddly, work has come to the rescue.

Recently, I have had a project land in my lap that plays heavily into the direction I want to go with TWJ technically.  This is great because it gives me an excuse to merge hobby and work into one.  Because of that I am rebuilding the technology that powers Two Wheel Junction.  The question of how does this impact this blog?  

For the moment, it doesn't (directly).  But eventually this blog will move into the mainline Two Wheel Junction site and be powered by the same dynamic content engine that will power the site itself.  You can see the prototype at work over at the not safe for work Daily Image page.  That page is powered by the new engine.  Though the look and feel has yet to be completed, it was a fun way to test some of the concepts I wanted to apply.   Hopefully the above link won't offend, I like the female form, so sue me.  

Anyway, the long term goals are still the same, but for the first time in a couple of years, the technology being used to power the site should not be a limiting factor.  Unfortunately, time will still be a limiter.  Nothing will change that for a while.  

The indirect impact however is that there may be occasional site outages while I rework bits and pieces.  They should be short (as in no more than a few minutes at a time)  but they will occur (and have been occurring) off and on for the coming months.

Content by dru_satori, edited on a Mac using SandVox (because I'm lazy)