
As is fairly obvious, I took the last 2 months off from the blog.  It wasn't because I had nothing to say, but that some of what I wanted to say wasn't scooter related.  Some of that is because I am finding that where I was when I started this blog, and where I am today is a different place in my life.

I still ride, and I still enjoy the ride.  In many ways, I enjoy the ride more today than the day I started riding.  What I have largely stopped doing is the purely recreational riding, and I have been choosing to spend my weekends doing something different from riding.

As summer was winding down this year, I took my kids to play golf with me, and I started a new addiction for them.  Since then, most every weekend has been spent either playing golf with my children, or getting them equipped to play golf.  In that time, I still ride to and from work, and for most of my errands, but a scooter is not a vehicle well suited to hauling golf clubs.

All of this kind of pushed me to do some more thinking about this blog.  In the past, I have focused on things solely scooter related and tried to keep the life side of things out.  What this two month break has taught me is that I cannot do that.   Life and the things we do are as important to share as the joy of the ride. 

See the other thing to keep in mind is that I am close to both of my brothers.  They are both the primary people that I share the ride with.  During the last couple of months, one of them has been going through probably the toughest stretch of  year in his life.  Though he is coping better than I probably would, he is still struggling.  We haven't been able to find the time to ride at all, though I have managed to work out a couple of days on the golf course in conjunction with some work stuff. 

Add to that the same financial stress that most of us in here in the states seem to be feeling, and the solitude and crisp cold air of a fall morning ride becomes a refuge from the strain and stress of being around the very people we love the most.  Those times are far to infrequent right now, but when they come, they are precious.   Even the short 10 mile commute to the office becomes a refuge.  Other people have their getaways too, runners, cyclists, and other lone wolf sports seem to find that 'zen' space in the solitude as well, but few of them have the opportunity that the commuter does. 

We have to get to and from work.  This presents time that could be used for good or bad.  By seeking out the joy in those 30-40 minutes every day, we can improve the quality of life around us even in the hardest of times.

Live life and enjoy all of the moment for they are precious.

All of that said, this blog will evolve a little over the coming months, because though I love the scooter and the riding bits of life, there is so much more to share.  More mistakes to learn from.

Content by dru_satori, edited on a Mac using SandVox (because I'm lazy)